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Honda Outboard BF Series Service Repair Manuals on CD 1984-2004
Honda Outboard BF Series Service Repair Manuals on CD
1984 to 2004
These are the genuine Honda Factory manuals, they are simply the best manuals you can buy for your Honda outboard! These manuals actually work without having to change your system time as some others are selling, and you can even print any page you want to. These are the same manuals that your mechanic at the dealership has access to and uses to repair the outboards that are taken to the shop. All repair procedures include great photos, illustrations and diagrams.
GB30, GB40, BF20, BF2, BF50, B75 Twin, B75K1, B75K2, B75K3, BF75,
BF80, BF100, BF9.9, BF15, BF20, BF35, BF45, BF2, BF5, BF8D, BF10D,
BF15D, BF20D, BF25D, BF30D, BF40, BF50, BF75, BF90, BF115, BF130,
BF135, BF150, BF175, BF200, BF225
Most of the manuals have 18 sections and are comprised of the following:
- Specifications,
- Service Information,
- Maintenance,
- Engine Cover/Throttle/Choke,
- Fuel System,
- Alternator/Timing Belt,
- Engine Removal/Installation,
- Water Jacket Cover/Thermostat/Thermoswitch,
- Cylinder Head/Valves/Oil Pump,
- Crankcase/Cylinder Block/Crankshaft/Piston/Flywheel,
- Propeller/Gear Case/Extension Case,
- Oil Pan/Engine Under Case/Mount Case,
- Swivel Case/Power Trim Tilt Assembly/Gas Assisted Assembly,
- Steering Friction Shaft/Tiller Handle,
- Cables/Shift Link Bracket/Shift Arm,
- Electrical Equipment,
- Wiring Diagrams
Every service and repair procedure is covered in this CD ROM